This Father’s Day was extra special for Brisbane Lions captain Dayne Zorko, with newborn daughter Giselle adding to the celebrations.
Lion cub Giselle is Brisbane AFL captain’s new pride and joy
A Redlands father says the arrival of his newborn son Edward will make Father’s Day “extra special” this year.
Baby Edward is dad’s surprise Father’s Day gift
Damien had planned to celebrate Father’s Day this year at Mater Mothers’ Private Townsville, as he and wife Ammy were scheduled to have a caesarean on Thursday 3...
Handy dad Damien welcomes third baby in time for Father’s Day
North Queensland Cowboys star Josh McGuire will have his hands extra full this Father’s Day as he and wife Tanyssa recently welcomed their third baby, Scarlett into the...
Josh and Tanyssa McGuire welcome baby number three
In the lead up to Father’s Day we spoke with Proud Mater Dad Scott about his birthing experience and asked if he had any advice for other soon to be parents.
A Father’s perspective on birthing
Earlier this week the hallway of Mater Mothers’ Hospitals birth suite was buzzing with excitement as best mates, and now Proud Mater Dads, Tom and Ed high-fived each...
Best friends welcome daughters 11 minutes apart
In 2016 Warren celebrated his first Father's Day and featured as one of Mater Mothers' Hospitals’ #ProudMaterDads.
Holy Mackerel! Warren and Maverick are hooked on fishing.
Father's Day is special for Mater Mothers; a chance to celebrate the unique connection between Dad's and their babies.
Celebrating Proud Mater Dads this Father's Day
The world of NICU for the first day or two was like what I imagine walking on the moon to be, very lonely, cold, incredibly risky, fearful and beautiful, an achievement just to...
Life as a NICU dad
Ben Turner is one very Proud Mater Dad. Life has given him new meaning since becoming a dad to his two Mater little miracles Ruby and Zoe, who were born prematurely at 28 weeks...
How two Mater little miracles changed my life
Thank you for sharing your favourite #ProudMaterDad moments in celebration of Father’s Day. We were overwhelmed with the gorgeous images and videos of our Mater babies...
Congratulations to our #ProudMaterDad competition winners
As an adrenalin junkie and motorcycle racing enthusiast, Daryl Beattie is not someone you instantly picture smiling down at a small baby, wrapped carefully in a fluffy pink...
Daryl Beattie and his 'little green frog'
I still have not worked out if the 49 days little Immi spent in NCCU and Special Care was ‘the longest short period of my life’ or ‘the shortest long period...
Ben's Story
Share your #ProudMaterDad moments with us this Father's Day!
Proud Mater Dad Josh reflects back over the past six months and shares his experiences of being a first time dad.
First time dad Josh shares his parenting journey
Congratulations to our Proud Mater Dad sock giveaway winners!
Proud Mater Dad sock giveaway winners
Mater Mothers is excited to launch Proud Mater Dad 2016—our celebration of fathers and fatherhood in the lead up to Father’s Day.
Share your #ProudMaterDad moments for a chance to win!
To celebrate Father’s Day—and to show Mater Dads how much we value their role in the arrival of our Mater babies—we launched the Proud Mater Dad campaign...
Proud Mater Dad—thank you and winners
Mater Mothers’ Hospitals are excited to launch Proud Mater Dad 2015—our celebration of fathers and fatherhood in the lead up to Father’s Day.
Proud Mater Dad 2015
To celebrate Father’s Day—and to show Mater Dads how much we value their role in the arrival of our Mater babies—we launched the Proud Mater Dad campaign in...
Thank you for sharing your Proud Mater Dads with us!
Mater Mothers offers expectant fathers a chance to give their pregnant partners a night off and sign up for male-only antenatal classes held at the local pub.
Dads only antenatal classes a hit with first time fathers
Mater Mothers wishes all dads a Happy Father's Day for Sunday 1 September 2013. Proud Mater Dad Jerome says his baby is his new best friend and he's excited...
Happy Father's Day this Sunday!
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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.