Are you expecting and battling with the scales? Expectant mums with a BMI of more than 25 are welcome to take part in our new world-first study to investigate the...
World-first gestational diabetes study looking for participants
Mater Mothers is honoured to play a part in so many beautiful moments each day and in the lead up to Mother’s Day, we are once again celebrating all our Mater mums...
Share your beautiful moments with Mater Mothers
Congratulations to Paralympic shooter Natalie Smith and husband Stuart who delivered their first child, son Daniel, at Mater Mothers' Hospital on Sunday.
Rare birth for Paralympic shooter Natalie Smith
Mater Little Miracles 5ks is on again! The family fun walk or run brings the community together to support Mater’s smallest patients—Mater Little Miracles.
Join Us at Mater Little Miracles 5ks
We are proud to announce that Mater Nappies are now available in five sizes.
Mater Nappies' range grows to five sizes
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.