Who can help?

Pregnancy can often be a time of emotional change for expectant mothers. This can result in confusion and feelings of overwhelm. Our online brochure Pregnancy—information for women and families will provide you with an overview of some of the emotional changes you may experience during your pregnancy.

If you are concerned about your mental health and wellbeing during this time, it is important to let those around you know. Talk to your partner, or someone else you trust and ask your GP or midwife for advice.

At Mater Mothers, our commitment to your care extends beyond your physical needs. Our aim is to ensure that you also feel emotionally supported throughout your pregnancy journey.

Support services and information

The following services can provide additional information and support:

Pastoral Care

Mater’s pastoral care team are available to provide spiritual and emotional support to our patients and their families. They provide confidential, holistic care and are respectful of the ethical, spiritual, cultural and religious beliefs of all patients. If you would like to meet with a member of our pastoral care team, please speak to your midwife.

Mater Health and Wellness

Mater Health and Wellness have a dedicated pregnancy and postnatal care team, available to support women and their families' emotional, nutritional, and physical wellbeing before, during and after pregnancy. Their team includes leading allied health specialists, providing support with nutrition and dietetics, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy.

For more information about what the support services available at Mater Health and Wellness, please call 07 3163 6000 to speak to their team.

Risk Planning Management Clinic

The Risk Planning Management Clinic is a specialised antenatal clinic within Mater Mothers’ Hospitals in South Brisbane, providing continuity of care to women with psychosocial risk factors. Women can be referred to this clinic by their GP. Referring healthcare professionals can contact the clinic on 07 3163 7917 if they have further questions regarding this process or models of care.

CHAMP Clinic

The CHAMP Clinic provides continuity of care for pregnant women seeking support with substance-use issues (i.e. alcohol and drug related problems); meeting the mothers’ needs and working toward positive family outcomes. The clinic is a specialised antenatal clinic within Mater Mothers' Hospitals at South Brisbane.

Expectant mothers can contact the CHAMP Clinic on 07 3163 2417 to discuss individual circumstances, ask questions about the clinic or for information regarding the referral process.

Parenting Support Centre

Mater Mothers’ Parenting Support Centre offers early parenting support and guidance for parents up to six months after the birth of their baby. The Parenting Support Centre can be accessed at no cost by families and individuals with babies born at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane, Mater Mothers’ Private Redland or Mater Mothers’ Hospital.

The Parenting Support Centre accepts self-referrals. Please call 07 3163 2299 to make an appointment.

Mater in Mind

Mater in Mind is a multi-disciplinary team of expert mental health clinicians. Mater in Mind provides a consultation liaison psychiatry service for mothers who are admitted publicly to Mater Mothers’ Hospital.

During your stay in hospital, your obstetric team might refer you to Mater in Mind for specialist mental health during your admission. Mater in Mind is unable to accept self-referrals. There is no cost involved with this service.

Mater in Mind also provides perinatal support with a dedicated perinatal mental health clinician who specifically offers the following services for expectant mothers.

Families in Mind

Families in Mind provides specialist mental health outpatient appointments during the perinatal period (from conception to 12 months post birth). If you would like to be considered for this service, please speak to your midwife or GP about making an appointment. There is no cost involved with this service; however, a referral is needed.

Families in mind also provides specialist mental health input to mothers who are privately admitted to Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane. If during your hospital admission you feel that you require specialist mental health support, please speak to your midwife about contacting our perinatal mental health clinician.

Together in Mind

Together in Mind is a support program for mothers and their babies (under 12 months of age), designed to improve the mental health of new mums. This program runs one day per week over a six week period. Although Together in Mind is specifically for mothers and babies, there is an optional session that partners can attend.

To be considered for this program, please speak to your midwife or GP about making an appointment. There is no cost involved with this service; however, a referral is needed.

Parent Aide Unit

Mater’s Parent Aide Unit is a home-visiting service, offering support from Parent Aides who are trained volunteers. The services aims to assist in improving infant-parent relationships, focussed on early intervention and prevention. The service can work with parents during the antenatal period up until the child is two years of age.

The support offered by the Parent Aide Unit is available at no cost and is accessible to families who live within the catchment area of the unit. For more information please call 07 3163 2234.

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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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