We’re looking for families who want to share their journey with us and our online community. You’ll need to be enthusiastic, comfortable using social media and...
Are you a 2016 Mater mum?
Pre-eclampsia is an effect of high blood pressure affecting one in 100 pregnant women and their babies.
Pre-eclampsia in pregnancy: facts and when to seek help
Mater Mothers partnered with Lyn’s Label to give away a gorgeous Nappy Change Time Prize Pack. Congratuations to our winner, Danielle Rack!
Nappy Change Time prize pack winner announced
Mater Mothers has partnered with Lyn’s Label to give away a gorgeous Nappy Change Time Prize Pack.
WIN a Nappy Change Time Prize Pack
Voting is now open for the 2016 My Child Magazine Excellence Awards. We are excited to announce that our skin care and nappies from our Mater maternity and baby care product...
Vote for Mater products in the 2016 My Child Magazine Excellence Awards!
One question I often get asked by mums is “how can I stop my baby getting whooping cough when they’re not fully immunised?”
An extra whooping cough booster for 18 month olds
To celebrate Mater Nappies being voted Baby Care Product of the Year 2016 we asked our Facebook and Instagram followers to tell us in 25 words or less why your mothers&rsquo...
Mater Nappies Party Pack winners announced
Dean and Megan Nipperess knew having a leap year baby was guaranteed when they presented at Mater Mother’s Private Brisbane at midnight on Sunday 28 February.
Harry the leapling
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.