Plenty of luck for baby Kinsley born on 22-2-22

Plenty of luck for baby Kinsley born on 22-2-22

She may not have known it, but baby Kinsley Morel chose one of the rarest dates to arrive in the world.
Born at 8am at Mater Mothers’ Private Townsville on 22 February 2022, Kinsley’s birthdate is a palindrome as well as an ambigram.
It reads the same way forwards and backwards and upside down.
In Chinese numerology, the number 2 is considered lucky and 22 comes with twice the fortune.
For parents, Black River couple Paul Morel and Carly Ormonde, they are simply pleased their first child Kinsley arrived safely and healthy.
Ms Ormonde, 35, had a caesarean section and said Kinsley was born weighing 3.2kg.
“The doctor chose the date randomly and it has worked out to be a good date, it’s definitely a date we won’t forget,” Ms Ormonde said.
“All our friends and family think it’s a pretty cool date to be born on.”
Ms Ormonde said they only decided on Kinsley’s name this morning.
“We were tossing up between Kinsley and Ayla but that will be her middle name now,” she said.
“She’s really chilled and just spent most of today sleeping.”
The couple is looking forward to heading home and introducing their blonde-haired newborn to their pets which include several horses, dogs and a bird.


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