Solly hits his stride without a backward glance

Solly hits his stride without a backward glance

Do you remember baby Solomon (Solly)? Born at 25 weeks on 22 March 2016, little Solly spent 100 days in Mater Mothers’ Hospitals Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU). Two years later, this Mater Mater Little Miracle has shown extraordinary determination by walking despite a recent diagnosis of ataxic cerebral palsy.

Mum Danielle said it took a long time for Solly to get a diagnosis and it was heartbreaking to hear when they did.

“We did know something wasn’t right but it doesn’t change the beautiful bright lovable boy he is, in fact it only makes us love him even more,” Danielle said.

“It took so long for Solly to get a diagnosis because he wasn’t showing the typical cerebral palsy signs and was so borderline that no one was comfortable to diagnose him.

“It wasn’t until his two year growth and development clinic check-up last month at Mater where they did a full assessment and diagnosed ataxic cerebral palsy which is the rarest from,” she said.

Ataxic cerebral palsy affects the body and muscles differently which is why it was difficult to diagnose. It is caused by damage to the cerebellum in the brain which affects balance and can also affect speech, arms and legs. Solly’s left arm and both legs are impacted and it also seems to be affecting his speech.

“We are so proud of him–it’s been a long wait to see him take his first steps and not actually knowing if he ever would,” Danielle said.

“He has been having physiotherapy sessions every single week since coming home from hospital so all that hard work had paid off.

“He has a little red walker he zooms around on which gives him a lot more independence that he needed for so long.

“A lot of people know Solly now as ‘the little boy with the red walker’ and often stop to say hello which is so cute!” she said.

Mater Mother’s Hospitals Neonatologist Elizabeth Hurrion said that Solly is now part of a Mater Research project to help other children.

“Solly is a participant in the SuPreme study where we aim to find a simple treatment we can give to preterm infants to prevent cerebral palsy,” Dr Hurrion said.

Danielle says Solly has such a huge impact on a lot of people’s lives and believes that’s why he’s here today.

“Solly gives people the strength and determination to overcome these hard obstacles they are faced with. He loves to prove people wrong,” she said.

“Seeing him walk was one of the greatest achievements for our whole family and as you can see in the video he was extremely proud of himself too!

“Since then he’s been taking a couple more steps everyday and we are positive it won’t be long until he will be keeping up with all the other kids and us trying to keep up with him!

“We are working with our physiotherapist, speech pathologist and occupational therapist to help him reach his goals and live the most normal life he can,” Danielle said.

We are bursting with pride at Solly’s achievements and can’t wait to see what’s in store for him.


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