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A brave little Queensland girl suffering from a rare genetic condition is defying the odds after being born with a giant 1kg mass on her arm.
Brave Queensland toddler Jessi defies odds with giant 1kg mass
A group of eight dedicated midwives and nurses from Mater Mothers’are gearing up for a once-in-a-lifetime volunteer opportunity in Nepal providing care to women and...
Mater midwives bring healthcare and hope to Nepal
Like many private maternity services, Mater at Redland has been affected by the nationwide shortage of paediatricians.
Mater Mothers Private Redland update
Five-week-old ‘miracle’ twins Hudson and Lola have been inseparable from the moment they were born – despite arriving almost four weeks early at Mater Mothers...
Twin besties Hudson and Lola share unbreakable bond
Baby Otis Reeves has a cheeky smile, but it’s the scar on his chest that marks him out as a Mater little miracle.
‘Miracle’ Otis born with rare heart condition given chance at life
Singer-songwriter Alana Wilkinson has struck a chord with parents caring for their sick and premature babies in neonatal units across the country after releasing a new single...
Mum’s song of hope inspires premmie parents across Australia
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Patient information
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.