International award winning and locally produced Mater baby skin care products have received not one, but two prestigious awards in as many weeks.
Mater awash with wins
Congratulations to our Proud Mater Dad sock giveaway winners!
Proud Mater Dad sock giveaway winners
Mater Mothers has partnered with Kidsafe Qld Inc. to provide a professional child car restraint fitting service on the South Brisbane campus.
Mater Mothers partners with Kidsafe
Mater Mothers’ Hospitals is excited to announce that the skin care products from our maternity and baby care product range are now officially Australian Made-certified...
Green & Gold for Mater products
To celebrate Father’s Day—and to show Mater Dads how much we value their role in the arrival of our Mater babies—we launched the Proud Mater Dad campaign...
Proud Mater Dad—thank you and winners
A big thank you to everyone for sharing your favourite dad jokes. Congratulations @Erin Eaton—you’ve won our Fantastic Mr Box giveaway!
Winner of “Fantastic Mr Box Giveaway” announced
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.