One-to-one midwifery care benefits mums

One-to-one midwifery care benefits mums

Mater researchers have contributed to a world-first trial analysing one-to-one midwifery care and its benefits to mums and care providers. 

The findings are in and caseload midwifery – the same model offered at Mater – is safe, less-intrusive and more cost-effective for mums. 

Director of Midwifery Research Unit Professor Sue Kildea took part in the study and said this trial provided strong evidence to show that changing the way midwives work is safe, often better for mothers and babies, and costs less.

“If midwifery group practice was a pill it would be prescribed for all women in pregnancy!” Professor Kildea said.

The research paper published in the prestigious publication The Lancet found caseload midwifery (where mums have access to a named midwife throughout pregnancy, birth, and after the baby is born) is just as safe as standard maternity care (shared between rostered midwives, and medical practitioners in discrete wards or clinics) for all women irrespective of risk.

The Midwives @ New Group practice Options (M@NGO) trial found women who received caseload midwifery care were:

  • less likely to have an elective caesarean (before the onset of labour)
  • more likely to have a spontaneous labour
  • required less pain drugs and had less blood loss following birth
  • needed to stay in hospital for less time
  • had improved breastfeeding rates.


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