At Mater Mothers, we understand that preparing for the birth of your baby can make you feel excited, anxious, overjoyed—in fact a whole range of emotions.
Items to pack in your hospital bag
A young Queensland mum battling an incurable cancer is creating “happy memories” and a travel bucket list with her miracle baby, visiting every Australian state and...
Mum with incurable cancer creates bucket list with miracle Halle
Brisbane’s very own flying neurosurgeon Dr Martin Wood has been taking Mater healthcare services to new heights across Queensland amidst the global pandemic.
Sky’s the limit for spirited Mater flying neurosurgeon Martin Wood
North Queensland Cowboys prop Jordan McLean and wife Brianna have welcomed their third son Freddie to the family a few days earlier than expected.
Baby Freddie in a hurry to join Cowboy dad’s dream team
Queensland surgeons have saved the life of premature baby boy Noah after successfully performing emergency surgery on his tiny body when his bowel perforated at less than one...
Mater surgeons perform life-saving surgery on six-day-old Noah
A Queensland mum has told how a family holiday to NSW turned into a “mad dash” to hospital with her baby girl Opal being born nine weeks early in the back of an...
Baby Opal’s early arrival makes holiday extra special
Tiny Queensland twins Harvey and Evelyn have made a dramatic entrance to the world – after they both were born in the back of an ambulance on the way to Mater Mothers...
Dramatic roadside delivery for newborn twins Harvey and Evelyn
Mater doctors have saved the life of a premature baby girl after successfully removing a two- kilogram tumour from a tiny newborn’s spine.
Mater surgeons remove spinal tumour to save newborn
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.