Mater Mothers’ Hospitals Pregnancy Assessment Centre (PAC) is now open to provide around the clock care for any woman with pregnancy related complications who needs help...
Pregnancy Assessment Centre now open
Mater Mothers’ Hospitals is opening Queensland’s first, purpose-built 24/7, Pregnancy Assessment Centre (PAC) to care for women from the very beginning of pregnancy...
Queensland’s first 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre
Mater Mothers’ Parenting Support Centre offers a range of new group sessions in addition to individual parenting support and guidance for parents and babies up to six...
New Parenting Support Centre group sessions
Mater Mothers is committed to keeping our mums and babies safe at all times. As we enter the 2017 flu season, we’ve compiled some useful information to help protect...
Influenza—information for pregnant women and mums
Mater Mothers’ Private recently attended the three day Essential Baby & Toddler Show to share Mater’s comprehensive maternity and baby care advice and support...
Mater Mothers’ Private at the Essential Baby & Toddler Show
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.