Baby George home in time for Father's Day after 10 weeks in hospital

Baby George home in time for Father's Day after 10 weeks in hospital

After five years, two miscarriages and caring for a seriously ill pregnant wife, Pavel Mamin was given the go ahead to take his son George home after 10 weeks in Mater's Neonatal Critical Care Unit—just in time for Father's Day.

Pavel and wife Julie had twice lived through the heartbreak of miscarriage, but after various fertility treatments Julie again fell pregnant.

Her pregnancy progressed well until the second trimester when, at 27 weeks gestation, Julie visited her GP after experiencing serious shaking, dizziness and swelling.

Julie’s GP was alarmed to find that her blood pressure was extremely high and sent the couple straight to Mater Mothers. 

“I rushed Julie to the Mater Emergency Department and then went home to pick up Julie’s mum. By the time we got back to the hospital, Julie had been diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome. I was afraid of what was happening to Julie and the baby,” Pavel said.

HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening pregnancy complication characterised by a breakdown of the red blood cells, elevated liver enzymes and a low platelet count.

The couple were told that without an emergency caesareran, both Julie and her baby could be in serious danger.

“I couldn’t go into the operating theatre at first because they had to prepare Julie and as I waited in the next room my mind went blank from shock, followed by my mind racing like crazy,” Pavel said.

“As the doctors were operating, I felt incredibly nervous because we’d had two miscarriages in the past and I thought this baby might die in my arms.”

Baby George Mamin was born on 29 June weighing just 780 grams—not much more than a tub of peanut butter.

A born fighter ... baby George in Mater Mothers Neonatal Critical Care Unit.

“When George was delivered he looked so perfect to me but he was such a tiny human being,” Pavel said.

After her traumatic health complications, Julie was taken to Mater’s Intensive Care Unit and was not able to see baby George for the first two days of his life, so it was left to Pavel to have the first cuddle with their newborn son.

Pavel said he was overwhelmingly happy when he first got to hold baby George in his arms.

“It was the most incredible feeling to hold my son in my arms, words can’t even explain,” he said.

Baby George in dad's hands.  

Julie was discharged after 10 days at Mater Mothers’ Hospital and baby George was discharged from Mater's Neonatal Critical Care Unit after almost 10 weeks. 

Pavel modestly said that this Father’s Day was not about him, it was about George and his health.

“This Father’s Day is not about me, it’s about George and my new family being all together.”

Proud parents Julie and Pavel on their way home with baby George.


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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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